Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Unit 1: Day 7

Day 7: Similar Triangles

This lesson will focus on the 3 methods of determining if triangles are similar:

SSS: SSS means Side Side Side. If all of the sides are congruent, the triangle is similar

SAS: SAS means Side Angle Side. If you have 2 congruent sides and one common angle, you can be sure the triangles are similar. 

AAA: AAA means Angle Angle Angle. If the triangles have the same 3 angles, you know they're similar. If the problem only provides 2 angles, you still know all the angles are the same because they add up to 180. 

Just some extra info

And to see the video we made, click on the link!!!

Quiz Time!

1. Are these triangles similar?

2.Are these triangles  similar?

3. Are these triangles similar?


1.  Yes, because the angle measurements add up to 180 degrees. 
2. Yes. When I used the cross multiplication method, I substituted one of the variables for X,  to see if it would come up with the equal and congruent length, which it did. 
3. Yes,  because the angle measurements are the same, and the two side lengths are similar. 

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