Monday, May 20, 2013

Unit 1: Day 4

Day 4: Using the equations from Day 3
 Prism: To find the SA of a prism, combine the area of the 2 bases and the area of the sides. 

Pyramid:To find the SA of a pyramid, take the base area, and add 1/2 x base perimeter x slant height.
Cylinder: To find the SA of a cylinder, take the area of the bases and add 2πrh (radius and height).
Cone: To find the SA of a cone, take the area of the base and add πrL (radius and slant height).

Sphere: To find the SA of a sphere, use the equation 4πr².
Youtube Video!
Quiz Time!
1. What is the SA of this cone given

2. Find the SA of the basic prism

3. Find the SA of the sphere given the radius is 13.


1. The surface area of the cone is 251. 2 units squared (Area of base + 3.14 R S) 
2. The surface area of the rectangular prism is 72 feet squared ( area of all sides) 
3. The surface area of the sphere is 2122.64 units squared. (4* 3.14* R squared) 

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